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Artists: Domi Lozano P.

Domi Lozano P.
DOMI LOZANO PAIMA: "I was born in the Calleria District on March 20, 1981. My father is don Nicilas Lozano Vasquez and my mother doña Sonia Rosa Paima Tapullima. I have 8 brothers and I am the fifth son. I studied my primaary school in the Santa Clotilde in a settlement down Ucayali River.

"I am studying in high school in the CEMBA national school, first degree. I left to study two years because my father did not have economic resources, so I did not want to lose the time as my sister was studying already in the Usko Ayar Amazonian School of Painting. I asked her for study also in this school and I am one year now studying here.

"During a year I understand that I am learning good things as how to honour my parents, to the neighbors, painting and English of course. My thanks to the director Don Pablo Amaringo and to his school. I practice to have a good hand to paint. I like to look at the plants and trees.

"My goal is to become in future a good painter, to help and teach to the people. In the jungle are plants, trees, wild animals and beautiful birds. In summer the beaches are used to grow rice, watermelons, etc."

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